We do offer this service yes, this is for our bulkier items that do not fit in an average car.
Delivery charges are calculated by your event locations distance from our warehouse on Brisbanes Northside.
This fee includes all the handling (loading and unloading of your hires going out and coming back in)
HOMES ARE DOOR TO DOOR DELIVERY – WE DO NOT PASS YOUR FRONT DOOR. This is due to insurance / workplace health and safety.
Extra fees apply for more complex deliveries, venues, parks, beaches, inner city suburbs, high rise buildings, stairs, backyard etc – please see our terms and conditions for more information or tick the relevant boxes at checkout.
We charge an extra fee due to this service requiring us to be onsite at specific times for both delivery & collection – some being completed within the one date, unlike home deliveries that are flexible with us dropping off and picking up the previous / following day – allowing us to allocate our own schedule.
This service also requires our delivery team to secure a parking spot and transport the hired goods from our vehicle to your event location, unlike a home delivery where we deliver direct to the front door.